Athletic Greens Teardown

Athletic Greens say they have a $150M revenue run rate as of 2022, but with a few tweaks to their website they could scale exponentially.

The supplement space is crowded and there are hundreds, if not thousands, of companies promising miracle solutions. But here are a few brands with products that stand out amongst the noise - one of them being Athletic Greens (whose brand ambassador is Lewis Hamilton 🤩).

If you haven’t been targeted with their ads yet - Athletic Greens is an all-in-one, subscription based, powdered supplement packed with 75 vitamins, minerals, and whole food-sourced ingredients. It is designed to help improve your digestive and immune system, energy level, and overall well-being.

It’s a great product and with a few tweaks on their website, they could really improve the conversion rates on the page and revenue numbers. Here are my top 5 recommendations:

#1 - Be Careful Using Video

The image in the background is actually a video. While it’s a decent video, auto playing a video on your homepage can cause your page to load slowly, hurting your bounce rate, SEO and on page conversions.

Athletic Greens has done a good job at optimising the load time for the largest piece of content to 1.2s but the overall page still loads at over 8 sec.

#2 - Use a strong headline

Their headline is too broad and doesn’t capture their value proposition which is essentially - your daily nutritional requirements in one glass.

For the headline i’d go with something like - “Fuel Your Body and Reach Peak Performance” or “All Your Body’s Needs In One Glass” or “75 Health Benefits in One Glass”.

#3 - Order menu needs work

I love that they show the whole product stack because it allows you to clearly see what you’ll be getting for the price.

They use a one time purchase as a decoy offer by making it more expensive, so people go for the subscription offer instead. Personally i would cut that offer and just stick to the subscription and instead focus on pushing the guarantee which is “no risk - cancel anytime”.

The order menu can be further optimised by emphasising the guarantee, adding testimonials, and playing with how the price is displayed (which is what i covered in my last post).

#4 - Always offer Free Shipping

Free shipping means that the customer doesn't have to pay any additional charges when buying something in your store. It's one of the most effective conversion rate optimisation strategies, and it can help you increase sales by up to 50%. Customers don’t like getting hit with additional costs at checkout, and the shipping costs here can be a big turn-off.

#5 - Upsells can help increase your AOV

Athletic Greens offers zero upsells on checkout. This is a missed opportunity to sell their complementary products like travel packs and shaker bottles. They could have boosted their AOV and LTV by just adding 2-3 upsells after the checkout.

If you find these ideas interesting, do share this article so more businesses can learn these subtle techniques.